Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Girl’s Guide to Going Green

There is no help for it. We women like to shop. Unfortunately, this means we consume a lot of resources and put out a lot of waste. Even if you donate the bulk of your old items to thrift shops and Goodwill you still burned through a lot of natural resources. The book "Green Chic" contains numerous ideas on how girls can streamline their lifestyle and cut back on their consumerism. Besides helping the environment, it assists you in cutting back on your spending habits in our current economy. It is one of those cases of splurging on this book now, to help you later. The book has a lighthearted conversational tone that makes it easy to read. Go and be enlightened!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

AUGH!!! Big Fashion No-No

My eyes were visually assaulted the other day by tropical fish clearly stolen from “The Little Mermaid” hanging from someone’s earlobes. I am quite certain Flounder is missing his cousin something fierce and would like him returned. I only wish I had the technological know-how to return the poor little fish to his home.

Fish motifs are popular in tropical places. They are a favorite of tourists and residents alike. I am not particular fond of them when they are hanging on the walls, but under no circumstances should they be worn on your ears like some sort of trophy! Especially, when they are the size of a small battle cruiser and hanging from your lobes to your shoulder in colors bright enough people around you are going blind from the glare. The colors don’t match anything but tacky tourist clothes anyway. You would be much better off investing in some cute (small) sand dollars or starfish made of gold or silver. They still have that tropical flavor but without the vulgar flair of cheap neon plastic.

Permanent Ink

I’ve seen some tattoos that I thought appeared pretty darn neat. The problem is permanence. What if you decide you don‘t like the design? Or if you gain weight and get stretch marks through it? It can go from nifty to nightmare. So, if you are going to get tattoo, try and get it somewhere you can cover it if you desire.

Some tattoos you want to show. The permanent make-up kind for instance. You can have your lips and eyes outlined. It would certainly save you some time in the morning. Your eyeliner would never run and your lip liner would always be flawless.

On a cautionary note, be sure to get it done in a normal color. If you had your eyes lined in a blue or green you run the risk of it clashing with numerous outfits. Black and brown are your best options.

Lip liner color can also go wrong. If you get a permanent lip liner tattoo done in a dark shade of maroon and decide you want to wear a light pink lipstick you will have to go to a lot of work to cover it up. Red lip liner and bright shades run the same risk. It is easier to cover a light color than a dark color. Pick a neutral tone. That way your daily lipstick will match. On special occasions, your permanent lip liner won’t be wasted because it will help you flawlessly line your lips with a darker shade. Advantageous as permanent make-up may be, remember you will be stuck with it and getting it done will likely be painful as your face is a very sensitive area.

Study Guide

I don’t subscribe to the theory that fashion is something you can learn from a book. It is a sixth sense you develop through practice and experimentation. But practical experience can be helped on its way with some professional advice. Nina Garcia wrote a book called “The Little Black Book of Style” that I feel fits this criteria better than any other fashion magazine or book I have ever read. It covers a wide variety of subjects within from the basic must haves, to a break down of fashion from numerous decades. As the editor of Elle magazine, she has the background to make her book trustworthy. If you feel inadequate to the task of tackling fashion on your own, this is the guide for you.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spend or Trend

Styles come and go. Some people argue that they work in cycles. Whether or not this is true, there are some items you should invest in. They will always be in no matter the current trend and for that reason I encourage you to purchase them even if they are expensive. It will be worth the extra money to get top quality items that will hold up under a few years wear.

A nice pair of black slacks should be at the top of this list. A myriad of tops in various colors and cuts can be paired with them over a long period of time. You should worry most about purchasing a pair that fits well in the hips and waist. Length can be taken care of by a good tailor. Additionally, pick a pair without a lot of fancy stitching and details. This insures their longevity in the style department.

The same basic rules apply when picking out a black suit. Forego intricate and head for simplistic. This way your blouse and jewelry can change with the times and your suit will remain a classic. Try not to get a skirt that us either too short or too long. Just above or below the knee remains the best length.

The Little Black Dress is perhaps one of the most important pieces in a ladies repertoire. It can be worn on a variety of occasions and rarely does it look bad on anyone. Style and material don’t matter. Just locate one that creates a flattering figure on you.

A good pair of jeans remain an investment. Boot cut is best because no matter which way fashion swings (toward flare or straight leg) they are a close enough fit to be stylish. A dark wash is the best color.

Shoes are always a good investment, but if you are looking for one particular kind to purchase on a budget you need a pair of sturdy black pumps. They are versatile and comfortable. Like all necessary wardrobe staples should be.

Wake up to Make-up

Burt’s bees lip balm has become one of the best buys for lip care. They come in numerous tints, some light and some dark. No matter the color they stain your lips a nice shade and keep your lips moist for a long period of time. Those moisturizing ingredients keep your lips from having to reapply as frequently as you need to with other glosses. The all natural ingredients used in the product also mean you can go green at the same time you get softer lips. Burt’s lip gloss is not as expensive as many other green products. They don’t cost much more than any other brand name lip gloss and they are cheaper than Victoria Secret’s. It’s a topnotch balm anyway you spin it.

AUGH!!! Big Fashion No-No

I have finally located the worlds ugliest (and creepiest) pair of shoes! I don't care how desperate you are for a great werewolf costume on Halloween (let's hope that is the only reason anyone would consider these shoes!) they are beyond hideous. In fact, I think I would prefer to lose toes to hypothermia than slip my feet into these suckers. Without a doubt, this is my biggest fashion NO to date!