Monday, April 7, 2008

Make It or Break It

Accessories, while not a necessity, contain the potential to ruin an outfit. The wrong accessories can completely ruin an outfit, but they can also be an asset. Depending on your shoes, bag, and jewelry, you can dress up or dress down jeans or a dress. Beachy jewelry and flops make your jeans and t-shirt look summery. Wearing ballet flats with a dangly necklace paired with a beaded bag with that same outfit can make it a good look for an evening out with friends.

Remember when accessorizing keep it simple. The adage less is more, was written with fashion in mind. The more you wear, the more you run the risk of your jewelry distracting from your overall look. You don't want people to stare because you are dripping with ice and your jewelry should not turn you into a backdrop. It is equally reprehensible to have your outfit become unnoticable due to strings of necklaces and bracelets up to your elbows. The idea is to enhance your natural assets not replace them.

One of the trickiest rules of jewelry is whether it is o.k. to mix gold and silver pieces. Some people say yes and others, no. My solution is to invest in a watch that has both silver and gold on the band. That way, whichever you wear you can still sport your watch. It also operates as your tie-in piece if you do decide to blend your silver and gold jewelry.

There is no doubt that accessorizing is one of the trickiest areas of fashion but it also one of the most fun. It can either rescue your outfit or condemn it, and you, to fashion hell. Despite the danger, make sure you experiment every once you've gotten your feet wet. Some of the most original outfits come from taking a chance.