Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chocolatey Fashion

Whoever heard of dresses made of chocolate? Certainly not I. Imagine my surprise upon discovering the combination of two of my favorite things: chocolate and fashion. Contestants must create actual clothing out of chocolate. They are allowed to use string and material, but 75 % of the dress must be chocolate. To add difficulty to the challenge, the chocolate designed dresses must survive the transfer onto a model then a runway show.

When I saw the dresses, I was flummoxed that such a feat was possible. One designer created a hat complete with a brightly colored flower and bird-like plummage entirely from chocolate. That chocolatier brought an artist as his partner. An exceptional choice considering the detailed painting required for the execution of the hat and a matching belt made of patterned squares.

Perhaps, one of the most beautiful creations of the show was exquisite roses that looked as if they had been freshly plucked from a bush. Unfortunately, the artist who designed them spent copious time on sewing the dress and making the roses but not much else. Their dress was lovely, but their concession to the 75% rule was to simply spray the dress with a powdered chocolate. The judges deemed it an easy out, rather than skillful execution.

My one worry was that the dresses would melt from the model's body heat. No matter how short the lifespan of the clothing, a chocolate runway show is a delicious idea from start to finish!