Thursday, February 14, 2008

Red, white, and... pink?

Welcome to the day of love, when everyone throws fashion sense right out the window. Yes, it is true. All day today I have gone from location to location: the local college campus, shoe store, Blockbuster, Rack Room Shoes. They all had one horrifying similarity. Ninety percent of the female population dressed today in bright hues of red, pink, or a combination of the two. There was also a liberal sprinkling of hearts, and XO’s. It is great that so many people are into the spirit of the holiday. But one of the facts of life is that everyone does not look good in those colors or patterns. Isn’t it better to celebrate the holiday by looking fabulous and sexy in your own way , rather than blending in with the masses in unflattering wear? You absolutely should commemorate Valentine’s Day by purchasing something worthy of you to celebrate it! Just do it in a color tailored to you and not the holiday.


Monica DiDonato said...

I wore pink today and didn't even notice it. I felt a little sheepish after I realized, though.

TNLogan said...

I noticed the same trend! However, I found more joy in counting the ones dressed in black. Not the ones just dressed coincidentally dark, but the ones who you could tell were celebrating anti-Valentine's Day! I love it!

Ellenod said...

I dressed up for valentine's day in black and blue. It wasn't so much of an anti v-day stance as not loving, as you say, the sea of red and pink. Red and pink clash! on any other day it would be painful to wear three different shades of pink and a violent red together... why not Valentines day?

Todd Bursztyn said...

This is a really good point. There is a big difference between dressing for the holiday and dressing for yourself. I don't care what day it is, a bright pink shirt with silver x's and o's is never appropriate attire.